23 Jun
23 Jun
8:17 p.m.
Hi, I'm in the middle of setting up an aurweb instance, but I'm having a few issues getting it set up: First - no mail is getting sent for some reason. I'm fairly certain my email config in /etc/aurweb/config is set properly, as changing it also didn't yield any results. Is the `sendmail` option supposed to be set? It was empty, and I was thinking it might've been causing issues, but I wasn't sure what to do with it. Second - how do I create Trusted Users? After signing up (without being able to get the emails, so I'm stick), I'm seeing that I'm a normal, registered user, but how would I go about making myself a Trusted User? Anything I can try for either? --- *Hunter Wittenborn* hunter@hunterwittenborn.com