[aur-dev] whoah. weird git send-email issues
Uhh.. having some git send-email issues. The last one was just failsauce. Disregard the previous few patches. I will rebase and squash into one patch, and resend.
ah hehe hey can you take a look at my two patches? No one has responded for awhile. Thanks. On Sun, Feb 17, 2008 at 2:58 PM, eliott <eliott@cactuswax.net> wrote:
Sure. Can you possibly rebase them against the current testing repo and resend? Not sure how long ago they were sent, and what the current working repo was at that time. Thanks heaps! :) On 2/17/08, Loui <louipc.ist@gmail.com> wrote:
On 2/17/08, eliott <eliott@cactuswax.net> wrote:
oh. and if you can throw my two patches in before the rebase..that would be uber. ps. I rebased my public git repo from the main repo, and applied my patches too. That way if people want to see the patches i had issues sending to the ML, it can be done. :)
Yeah they're still current against the archlinux.org testing repo. Nothing has changed since.
There's also a patch I made for fixing the broken paging a while ago that Simo only applied to http://code.neotuli.net/aur.git/, I'm not sure what's happening with that one but it works fine. Loui: Sorry I didn't reply to your thread, I'll try take another look at the patch later. -- Callan 'wizzomafizzo' Barrett
Alright I incorporated your two patches Eliott, here's what it looks like: http://louipc.dontexist.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=aur/.git;a=summary On Sun, Feb 17, 2008 at 8:15 PM, Callan Barrett <wizzomafizzo@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm thinking we need some better kind of workflow to avoid some of these confusions and miscommunications hehe. I think we need more people with push access maybe.
On Feb 18, 2008 10:31 AM, Loui <louipc.ist@gmail.com> wrote:
We need Simo, where is he? :( -- Callan 'wizzomafizzo' Barrett
participants (4)
Callan Barrett
Simo Leone