2008/1/4, Mateusz Herych <heniekk@gmail.com>:
I`am Mateusz Herych, from Poland. I`am 17 years old and I started with Linux 3 years ago (with Arch 2 years ago). I registrered in AUR in December 2006, partition is my login there. One of my packages has been moved to [community] repo (skype-staticqt). Now I`am maintainer of 15 PKGBUILDs there. Most of them I using by myself. I have some knowledge with C, C++, PHP and bash. I have experience with other project (SCXD - http://scxd.info) where I was a developer. My English is average (I have few gramatical problems, but I understand all).
Why I want to become Trusted User?
Currently I`ve installed Arch on more than 20 machines (many of them are at my school, unfortunately all of them are x86 :( ). I want to give something to this distribution. When I become TU I will move many of my packages to [community] repo, but I will adopt some packages like ircii-pana or idesk. Yes, I know that there are no new versions of them, but many people are using it yet.
I`am trying to help other people on IRC (mostly on Polish channels and networks, but I talking on #archlinux@FreeNode too. My nick is Part` there.). I translated some news from http://archlinux.org to http://archlinux.pl. I promote Arch Linux in my community.
So, I`am looking for someone want be my sponsor. Feel free to ask, if you want.
Regards, Mateusz.
You've forgot to tell us your AUR nick, partition, ;-) I've reviewed your packages (and sent you a couple of suggestions by email) and they are ok, some of them are even pretty popular (34, 41 votes, heh, I'm wondering how they could survive without being grabbed to community by someone :-). -- Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)