On 22/1/19 1:16 pm, Daniel M. Capella via aur-general wrote:
Based on the loosely defined "cleanup criteria"[], we're overdue for a little purge. The candidates can be found here:
https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?O=0&SeB=nd&K=&outdated=on&SB=l&SO=a&PP=250&do_Orphans=Orphans https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?O=250&SeB=nd&outdated=on&SB=l&SO=a&PP=250&do_Orphans=Orphans
Please run `aurphan -a` to see if you have any orphaned AUR packages installed, and do everyone a favor by adopting them.
If there are no objections, it will be done this weekend. A reply will be sent for record-keeping with the list of packages prior to deletion.
[]: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/DeveloperWiki:AUR_Cleanup_Day#Possible_...
-- Best, polyzen
I'm not sure if I did something wrong? I adopted mingw-w64-freeimage (My first one) I cloned the git and followed the instructions to edit and commit the updated PKGBUILD. All appeared good. Then I realized that I needed to delete the gcc5.patch. When I tried to commit that change al I got was a 403 error? Did I do something wrong or is the package on hold until checked bu a TU? Thanks Macca