Hello, Package "renpy" [1] has been outdated since three months ago when version 6.10.2 was released. It's marked as "out-of-date" and have some comments supplying fixes and alternative updated PKBGUILDs (which suffers from same problems I'll point later) but there're no signs of maintenance. PKGBUILD has also some other major problems that should be fixed: - It doesn't support x86_64. It needs lib32 dependencies which are not indicated. - It doesn't rely on pygame (or python-game) at all, so it should be removed. - It relies on java-runtime and zenity (for folder selection), which are unset. - Etc. I contacted mantainer via e-mail but have got no answer from him. Therefore, I request if package renpy [1] could be orphaned so other user/dev can take care of it. I can take it over as I'm currently mantaining renpy64 (renpy with support for "pure" Arch64). [1] http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=23983 -- Thanks in anyway, Franz Rogar