Andrei Thorp wrote:
Another thing that you guys probably don't care too much about is the fact that -Qi -ing a package that you have installed will not list the Maintainer for packages from AUR.
Actually, -Qi'ing or -Si'ing a package doesn't list the maintainer at all! The "Packager: " field in the output is the name + email of the person who last built the package, and this is not necessarily the maintainer. Case in point: "pacman -Si curlftpfs". Don't rely on "Packager:" from -Qi or -Si. Yes, a "Maintainer:" field in -Qi or -Si output would be nice.
Also, isn't there something kind of terrible about the fact that CVS/SVN, AUR web, and comments all track a bit of information separately and in different ways?
It is bad, but unfortunately, I think that every distro has this problem to a certain extent. Not sure what the solution is. Regards, -- Chris PS. This thread is at least convincing me to *think about* updating the # Maintainer comment in my adopted packages!