You can do pacman -Qdt to list all packages that were installed as dependencies but are no longer required. You can then take these packages and remove them. You can do this automatically like: pacman -Qdt | sed "s/ .*//" | sudo xargs pacman -Rs This will delete all packages that are installed as a result of unneeded dependencies. In the future, use pacman -Rs to not have to do this (rather than pacman -R). Also, consider switching to ext4 and doing a defrag when you're at it. ext4+defrag has extends that cause shorter seek time. Cheers, -AT On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 10:31 AM, Brandon Martin <> wrote:
You would think that I would have been using arch long enough to know how to do this buy I don't. I was using gnome then I tried to uninstall it and I used kdemod for a little while but know I want to use gnome again. I uninstalled kdemod and reinstalled gnome but it just doesn't seem as snappy as it was before. Plus I have easytag installed and when I click the home folder from the places menu it opened easytag. On top of that when I was connected to a remote FTP and I try to edit and save something I get a gvfs error. This use to work fine before. In the past I have usually just done a fresh install because I am weird about having only what I need installed and have never taken the time to learn all I can do with pacman.
So my main question is can how do I do a major cleaning removing what I don't need and how do I check if I am missing something I do need since I am running into a few oddities. What is the best way to get my system clean and mean.
Thanks for any insight.
-- Brandon Martin