On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 4:58 PM, cantabile <cantabile.desu@gmail.com> wrote:
Le 19/12/2010 17:55, Seblu a écrit :
2010/12/13 Cédric Girard<girard.cedric@gmail.com>:
On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 10:40 AM, Stefan Husmann<stefan-husmann@t-online.de There is a similar case with packages like steinberg-vst [1]. The package just assumes the source are already downloaded in the build directory as explained in comment.
do you have a trick to tell to "makepkg --source" to not include in src package the file which should be download manually? or you remove it from the tarball manually before uploading to AUR?
source=('http://dummy.address.com/file-already-downloaded.ext') That should work ^ Yes but he does not like it. And this is not a pretty way, because makepkg download will just fail rather than showing a message to ask a manual download. So i think a better way is to not mark the file in source var, and doing checking by hand and ask to download if not present.
But in this PKGBUILD, he uses source var to make checking. And on AUR zip file is not uploaded. So i'm wondering if they are an option or he deleting file manually. http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/steinberg-vst/steinberg-vst/PKGBUILD http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/steinberg-vst/steinberg-vst/vst_sdk2_3.zip Regards, -- Sébastien Luttringer www.seblu.net