Hi everyone... Today i decided to start creating the [1]OpenR2 package for Arch Linux. OpenR2 is a library that implements the MFC/R2 telephony signaling protocol over E1 lines. Along with the library, branches for Asterisk are provided with MFC/R2 support in chan_zap. Well done, as my first move i decided to check in AUR if someone else had already thought about this package. The package isn't there. Great. So, I decided to take a look at our repos and search for asterisk. [kalib@tuxcaverna ~]$ sudo pacman -Ss asterisk Senha: [kalib@tuxcaverna ~]$ I realized that we don't have asterisk in our "pacman". I can't believe it. Asterisk is such an important package. I saw it on AUR. How can we have the package into our "regular" repos? Only if a TU addopt it? Best regards -- - °v° Marcelo Cavalcante Rocha / Kalib - /(_)\ Usuário Linux Registrado #407564 - ^ ^ GNU-Linux - Livre, Poderoso e Seguro - TUX-CE - www.tux-ce.org - http://blog.marcelocavalcante.net