4 Dec
4 Dec
2:39 a.m.
On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 7:21 PM, kludge <drkludge@rat-patrol.org> wrote:
Loui Chang wrote:
On Wed, Dec 03, 2008 at 10:15:23PM +0100, Kristoffer Fossgård wrote:
Why is package popularity judged by votes anyway? I never vote. The reason i never vote is because i don't understand why package popularity can't simply be judged by download count.
Votes are a conscious approval of a package. Downloads are not.
explicit downloads sure are... unless you like to play pacman roulette, i guess.
but i don't. if it's explicitly installed, it's because i wanted the damn thing.
And, again, tracking downloads is not feasible. I mean, technically we can't even track downloads from ftp.archlinux.org, as even THAT is a mirror