Am 10.10.2010 13:46, schrieb Jakob Gruber:
On 10/04/2010 11:18 AM, Jakob Gruber wrote:
In response to Louis objections about skipping the discussion period, I'm posting the full text of the proposal below. It has been altered from the original text to incorporate Xynes idea of adding the 'last maintainer activity rule.
Sorry for making you guys vote twice.
This marks the beginning of the discussion period.
The discussion period has ended, please cast your votes.
Hello, as someone already may have noticed, the voting period for Jakob's proposal about mass orphaning AUR packages is over. We had 22 votes with two abstains and 20 "yes"-votes. I am not sure if Jakob's "detection of candidates"-script can be used to automatically orphan the packages. If there is no autmatical way, we should find a way so that this has not to be done by one person. Suggestions? Regards Stefan