On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 6:18 PM, Florian Pritz <bluewind@xinu.at> wrote:
Okay, that leaves either Jerome's suggestion (if duplicate filenames are detected, treat them as mirrors and don't fail/abort as long as one of
On 31.10.2013 22:12, Ido Rosen wrote: them
I'd go with that. Doesn't add any new syntax and can be created easily enough like this:
source=("$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz"::{"http://foo.com/blub/"," http://somewhere.com/"}"$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz")
Should be as simple as looping of the sources array after a fail and checking if there is another matching "filename::" element.
Care to submit a patch to pacman-dev?
It looks like a major structural change, since the exit 1 is deep inside each download_{file,git,bzr,...} function definition in makepkg.sh.in in the pacman git repo: For example the one for download_file() in makepkg.sh.in line 379 would probably move up to the download_sources() function, and return 1 instead of exit 1, then the return code would be checked, etc... If my first pacman patch is going to be this big of a change to makepkg.sh.in I'd feel a lot more comfortable if an existing pacman/makepkg dev were available off-list via email or IM for some brain-picking. Any volunteers? Ido