On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 5:14 PM, Laurie Clark-Michalek <bluepeppers@archlinux.us> wrote:
I quickly ran namcap over your aur PKGBUILDs. The following cropped up, which you might like to have a look at:
~ namcap-aur-pkgs $(aur-maintainer-pkgs angvp) PKGBUILD (gr-lida) E: File referenced in $startdir outside of $startdir/src or $startdir/pkg PKGBUILD (gr-lida) E: File referenced in $startdir outside of $startdir/src or $startdir/pkg PKGBUILD (pykaraoke) W: Description should not contain the package name. PKGBUILD (pykaraoke) W: Attempting to use dl sourceforge domain, use downloads.sourceforge.net instead PKGBUILD (torrentflux) W: Description should not contain the package name. PKGBUILD (torrentflux) W: Attempting to use specific sourceforge mirror, use downloads.sourceforge.net instead
I don't know if these are inherited errors, but anyway, they're there.
Best of luck,
Hi Laurie, Thanks for namcap my PKGBUILD's, I will correct the warnings tonight, and upload someothers PKGBUILD's that I have pending to update / improve. Cheers -- Angel Velásquez angvp @ irc.freenode.net Linux Counter: #359909