All: In my quest to begin getting my packages updated for the recent Perl 5.20 release. I have run into a number of problems with tests failing on most of the pkgbuilds, even stable pkgbuilds like perl-moose or perl-moo. These test errors primarily smell like this: Test Summary Report ------------------- t/00_modules.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output with many more of the same. To fix this, I ended up just going through and mass rebuilding all my AUR perl pkgbuilds installed on my machine as such: for p in $(pacman -Qm | grep perl- | awk '{ print $1 }'); do yaourt -S $p --noconfirm; [[ $? > 0 ]] && echo $p >> /tmp/fail.1; done when that finishes, I then run: for p in $(cat /tmp/fail.1); do yaourt -S $p --noconfirm; [[ $? > 0 ]] && echo $p >> /tmp/fail.2; done Note the increment of the integer for the /tmp/fail extension. I ran this once more ( with the correct fail.2 file >> /tmp/fail.3 ) and I watched the builds, and noted the failures that were due to out of date URLs, or errors beyond my control ( IE: missing patch files, etc ). Something between the first run mass reinstalling all m/^perl-.+$/ with pacman -Qm and the second run, iterating the /tmp/fail.1 file all the failures from tests cleared up. the third run, caught the rest where there was a bum dependency or the like. For me with roughly 100 installed pkgbuilds on a local machine from AUR. It took just the three runs. You may or may not experience similar results; some may only need to run twice, some may need to run 4 or 5 times ( Just remember to increment your integer file extension between each run to 4 and/or 5 as applicable). But this should help in fixing the test failures that so many are seeing. Now if you don't use yaourt to manage your packages, I'm sorry. I've used it for 7 years without issue and point and laugh at all the haters. Haters gonna hate. :-P If someone out there cares to provide instructions for a either a yaourt alternative tool, such as packer, or a raw method, please reply to this post. Any flaming about yaourt ( or Perl ) will result in me LOLing at you with every ounce of LOL this mortal coil can muster. Now, all that said. Please don't mark a pkgbuild out of date simply because the tests fail. Leave the author a comment instead. Only mark the Perl pkgbuilds out of date, that are in fact out of date... If you mark one of my pkgbuilds out of date and it's not, I will happily unmark it and give you the URL to this very post. -- Thanks, John D Jones III UNIX Zealot; Perl Lover