27 Sep
27 Sep
8:10 p.m.
On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 15:59, Jakob Gruber <jakob.gruber@gmail.com> wrote:
On 09/27/2010 09:40 PM, Luca Bennati wrote: Good question. In a repo package, the 'force' option (see 'man pkgbuild') would be the correct solution. I don't know if any AUR helpers handle it correctly though.
None of the AUR helpers will handle this
Before anyone asks, the reason that none of the AUR helpers handle this is that the JSON interface does not include information about the "force" flag. The only way to determine that would be to download the PKGBUILD, which would mean that every time you checked for updates, it would have to download PKGBUILDs for all AUR packages to be sure, which would be very wasteful.