Em julho 27, 2021 6:15 Cedric Girard via aur-general escreveu:
I would like to have a confirmation. I encountered a PKGBUILD on AUR that is not building correctly except when systemd is present when building. The maintainer considers the makedeps is implicit as systemd is dragged by base metapackage.
However devtools only ensures base-devel is present, not base, when building in a clean chroot. And I could not find a mention in the wiki of base expected to be present when writing a PKGBUILD.
Could you confirm to me what are the guidelines? Does systemd (make)dependency should be explicit or not?
-- Cédric Girard
The base package is expected to be installed on all Arch Linxu systems, ever since we moved to a metapackage for base. Having said that, I'm always in favor of explicit dependency listing, instead of implicit. This has been discussed a few times, but, for the time being, always assume base. Regards, Giancarlo Razzolini