Sorry for top-reply, but GMail on Android has no way to change it. Anyways, I can suggest some ways: - File a Request (already suggested) - Open a Request - Make a Request I'm not a native English speaker (I'm Italian) but I think this can be a good alternative. I, sometimes, do have some misunderstanding with "File request" but "File a request" would be a really clear way of handling it. Giovanni Santini My blog: My code: My code, again: My Twitter: My Facebook: My Google+: My GPG: 2FADEBF5 Il 21 nov 2015 6:27 PM, Mark Weiman <> ha scritto:
On Sat, 2015-11-21 at 18:31 +1100, Xavion wrote:
If we wish to continue using the word "file" in this context, "File Request" should be changed to "File a Request". This would prevent native English speakers from misinterpreting our use of "file" as a noun.
As a native English speaker, I have never misinterpreted the meaning of that link. There are plenty of words in the English language that have multiple meanings and it doesn't prevent me or others from confusing the intent.
Having said that, I still feel that "lodge" is a more appropriate term in this situation. The main reason, and I hope you're concentrating this time Mark, is that there's no double meaning (i.e. noun vs verb).
Lodge also has a noun and verb meaning. As a noun, it is a temporary home and as a verb, it can also mean to live in a temporary home. By your logic, this makes the word even worse of a choice.
For people who don't like "Lodge a Request", there's always "Make a Request". In fact, I imagine most similar websites would use the latter term in preference to either of the two mentioned alternatives.
Regardless, clinging to the textbook and saying that nothing needs to be changed is too rigid and impractical. We're not doing a maths test here! This is all about practicality and cutting down on confusion.
Furthermore, I am a firm believer of reading documentation and the Arch Wiki has a spot on the Arch User Repository page that explains how to file requests [1] and how to grab the PKGBUILDs then how to install them [2]. If the link is changed, I think Jiachen Yang has a better solution.
Mark Weiman
[1] uests [2] g_packages