30 Jan
30 Jan
11 p.m.
On Wed, 2013-01-30 at 22:23 +0100, Florian Pritz wrote:
On 30.01.2013 21:09, Maxime Gauduin wrote:
Well, I believe that's all I have to say. Thank you all in advance for considering my application. I hope to be able to learn more among all of you.
You didn't sign your mail, but you attached your public key in a file called "signature.asc".
Please either use a mail client that can properly send GPG/MIME signed mails or sign the text using "gpg -s --armor" and attach that. "gpg --clearsign" would be better, but I fear gmail might mangle the text so better go with the armored attachment.
Let's wait for Sven's confirmation before any further discussion.
Sorry about that. I've configured evolution to sign outgoing mails. It should be good now.