On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 8:17 PM, Kaiting Chen <kaitocracy@gmail.com> wrote:
How can we make the AUR even better? I'll start:
1. Integrated distributed version control system
I like this idea. At least the ability to track changes in PKGBUILDs would be fun. Similar to a wiki's revision history. Though a distributed VCS and not a centralized VCS is not really that necessary I use git mainly because it is fast, not because it is distributed. So I don't see why a distributed VCS would be any worse than a centralized one. The AUR is never going to be merging from another repo anyways... right? It would basically be read-only and might not even be publicly available as a repository so I don't see what difference it makes. You could even go off on a tangent and have AUR maintainers be able to push to their own git repository on AUR ... muah.
2. User provided binaries (if case anyone wants to volunteer) (this should probably be carefully controlled)
I don't really see how this fits in. The user can host their own repository already. I would rather KISS and leave the AUR source only.
3. Time-adjusted 'relevance' measure (votes are useful but suck at the same time; nobody cares if a packages was upvoted 9000+ times a million years ago, especially if it's already been obsoleted by something else)
Good idea. Better statistics could be gathered by simply adding a timestamp to votes db entries. Maybe pretty graphs too!
4. An official client
The unofficial clients do nicely as it is and an official one is not necessary. Improving the "official" RPC would be nice though.
5. LDAP support because LDAP makes everything so much better
LDAP makes everything so much more complicated! I avoid it whenever possible. -- -Justin