On Tue, 11 Jan 2011 11:19:28 +0000 Peter Lewis <plewis@aur.archlinux.org> wrote:
On Sunday 12 December 2010 03:21:30 Xyne wrote:
The following is a proposed replacement for the current SVP section of the TU bylaws:
The changes address several issues recently brought up on this list. Briefly, these include: * enabling a vote to pass in the absence of quorum when more than 50% of active TUs have voted YES * enabling a vote to fail in the absence of quorum when 50% or more of active TUs have voted NO * clarifying the text to eliminate ambiguities
Please see Kaiting's "[aur-general]Amendment" thread and Loui's "[aur-general][PATCH]tu-bylaws: Amend Standard Voting Procedure" thread for more details.
This message marks the beginning of the 5-day discussion period before the amendment is put to a vote.
Are we voting on this then?
I guess we should, let's vote for another one to agree before starting one and do a mistake with that ;-) -- Jabber: atsutane@freethoughts.de Blog: http://atsutane.freethoughts.de/ Key: 295AFBF4 FP: 39F8 80E5 0E49 A4D1 1341 E8F9 39E4 F17F 295A FBF4