On Fri, 2009-05-22 at 06:47 +0200, Xyne wrote:
Baho Utot <baho-utot@columbus.rr.com> wrote:
What if I use abs to fetch the entire core/extra and then build and maintain that tree? Am I now the maintainer and everyone else contributors?
I'll be honest: I rolled my eyes when I read that.
Then I accomplished what I set out to do, That is those tags really are not that important. I compile all my packages used for the system cpu, I start with the install cd and compile base then on to the ones I need for a "working system".
If you began to independently maintain all of those packages (update them yourself, modify the PKGBUILDs, etc) then you would be the "maintainer" to anyone retrieving them from you and you would be expected to deal with any errors arising from what you changed. If you do not distribute them, then "maintainer" makes no sense at all. If you simply copy the PKBUILDs from abs occasionally without adding your own modifications, then you're not really a maintainer of the PKGBUILD, but if you decide to distribute binary versions yourself then you would be the maintainer of those.