On 14 August 2012 04:13, Stefan J. Betz <info@stefan-betz.net> wrote:
Am 2012-08-14 04:03:28 -0300, Martin Cigorraga schrieb:
Unlike most application Zeya does not need to be compiled to run, just run it's main Python file and that's all, so, how should I proceed?
/usr/bin is only for executables, scripts... not for any Data files.
A possible way: Move required files (not the wohl git clone) to /usr/share/zeya and symlink from /usr/bin/zeya to /usr/share/zeya/zeya.py. Keep in mind that zeya.py must
Excelent, I had this in mind but I were not sure where to put the data files - not the full git clone, of course.
use the right python Version (python2 or python3).
I already have the needed sed to change every #!/usr/bin/python for our #!/usr/bin/python2
Greetings Stefan Betz
Thank you very much! -- -msx