3 Sep
3 Sep
9:03 a.m.
I adopted and updated gadmin-squid to the latest version. I figured I would try something, because if you install a desktop file so that it will show up in Gnome's menu, it would say you need to run it as root. So I created a BASH Script called gadmin-squid-menu and added optdepends=('gksu: Graphical Sudo Support'). The desktop file points to gnome-squid-menu(my bash script, which states if gksu is installed, run gksu /usr/sbin/gadmin-squid, else gadmin-squid). This I think would be acceptable, correct me if I am wrong. Here is the package if you want a better understanding of what I mean: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=15309