On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 5:24 PM, Farhan Yousaf <farhany@xaviya.com> wrote:
What does being a TU entail? I take it that it means Trusted User?
As for my strong suits, it is Perl, Linux administration, C, and well, Cisco Networks. I have a master's degree from Norwich University in Information Assurance/Security. For some more details, here's my resume: http://www.box.net/shared/cgo5167xhk
I think I'll start popping by the IRC and become active on the forums. Love this distribution of Linux, though, Ubuntu/Debian is my second love. :)
On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 11:16 AM, Ray Rashif <schivmeister@gmail.com> wrote:
2009/10/13 Farhan Yousaf <farhany@xaviya.com>
Hi folks,
I'd like to contribute more to Arch. Currently, I have two packages I maintain in AUR. But is there more I can do? I can provide a resume, etc. for review too if that is required.
Just "contribute" as and when, where and how you like. It's not a competition :)
Hello! Nice to hear your *enthu*siasm! I hope it will be last long time in this distribution :) Especially, I like coding(mainly in C), here you can find some projects to choose where to help if you feel so. http://projects.archlinux.org/ Best Regards, Laszlo Papp