On Sat, Aug 15, 2015 at 12:53 PM, Bruno Pagani <bruno.pagani@ens-lyon.org> wrote:
Maybe that’s a stupid question, but why do you need printing something to stdout in a PKGBUILD, especially outside of any function ?
The only good reason I can think of, is to tell users that (and how) they need to provide a source archive manually. But there's a better way to do that. Just add something like this to the PKGBUILD: DLAGENTS+=('file::/usr/bin/sh -c echo\ '"$(printf "%q" "Could not find %u. " \ "Download it from $url, and symlink it to $(pwd)/.")"'\;\ exit\ 1') source=("file://something.tar.gz") Besides not suffering from the problem that Ido describes, this approach has the advantage that users can install a custom file:// dlagent in /etc/makepkg.conf if they want, for example one that automatically searches for such sources in ~/downloads and symlinks them into the PKGBUILD dir if found: DLAGENTS=(... 'file::/usr/bin/sh -c find\ \$HOME/downloads\ -name\ \$(echo\ %u\ \|\ cut\ -c\ 7-)\ -exec\ ln\ -s\ \\\{\\\}\ %o\ \\\;\ -quit' )