On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 6:53 PM, Loui Chang <louipc.ist@gmail.com> wrote:
I wouldn't say that. I would say that the only users who matter are the ones that participate. For example you can't justly complain about the results of an election if you haven't educated yourself about it and voted.
The thing is, we're not voting on a single package that we feel is better than another package, so we're not looking for informed opinions...we're trying to establish objective/accurate usage numbers for every single package across all Arch Linux users (or at least a statistically appropriate sample of Arch Linux users), which is unrelated to people's activity in the community.
Let's be clear here. This isn't about removal of packages. It's about moving packages from one repo to another. Community to aur/unsupported.
I don't think there's any confusion over these semantics, and I'd point out that there's a large difference between moving a package from Community to Unsupported compared with moving a package from Extra to Community. The fact that Community packages are available by default to all Arch users in binary form is a huge plus...the AUR is a fantastic resource, but there's no built-in way for users to track changes in Unsupported automatically. Also, moving packages from Community to Unsupported can be confusing for users who are expecting binary updates and don't use a wrapper like yaourt that will tell them about the updates after we remove packages from Community. -- Aaron "ElasticDog" Schaefer