2013/3/4 Andrea Scarpino <andrea@archlinux.org>
Please maintainers fix your PKGBUILDs so they build on systems with both qt4 and qt5-base installed; when your PKGBUILD needs qt4 and: * use qmake, you can replace it with qmake4 * use cmake, you can add -DQT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE=qmake4 to the cmake
On Thursday 28 February 2013 00:14:55 you wrote: options
Just a note here: I had to remove the qmake4 symlink and use qmake-qt4 instead as the former was inconsistent with others distro. When I did this change (1th March) qmake4 wasn't really used yet so I did not think to write this mail before. I'm sorry if this caused more confusion here.
-- Andrea Arch Linux Developer
No matter, a simple "ls" on bin directory can easily show qmake-qt4 instead qmake4, and checking a package before submit it should show that qmake4 doesn't compile, so it is not such a big problem