On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 5:03 PM, Dave Reisner <d@falconindy.com> wrote:
On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 04:48:11PM +0200, SanskritFritz wrote:
On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 4:01 PM, Alexander Rødseth <rodseth@gmail.com> wrote:
Disowned. Thanks.
I find this a bit interesting and alarming. The OP has not shared any details about any reason or about writing emails to the maintainer, nevetheless you disowned the package without asking. May we know the reason? This process is too open if you ask me, anyone can ask here to disown any package. Now there are packages in the AUR which I trust, because I trust the maintainer, hence I don't check the PKGBUILD before every update. A git package can be changed any time without version check, but it will be compiled every day when I makepkg. So to summarise: someone asks for a disown here, gives no reasons why. You orphan it, anyone can adopt it immediately and change the package as he wants. I update the package using cower, and trust that the maintainer has not changed (I know, my mistake), so I have an altered package without my knowledge. Am I missing something?
I think you're hugely overreacting. The TUs do a tremendous job of dealing with the constant onslaught of these requests. On the whole, I think they do an excellent job of auditing and doing the right thing. It's extremely rare that there's any drama or questioning of their actions. If you have evidence to the contrary occurring on this list, please feel free to correct me.
I definitely can't correct you, I'm subscribed for long time and never saw any problem with disown requests.
That said, I think this is one _isolated_ case where perhaps the OP should have been questioned and this package not immediately disowned.
Indeed this was an isolated case. Ok, that sounded indeed overreacting. Sorry for that. Please understand that all I saw was: "Please disown package X" - "Done". The moment it was disowned, anyone was free to adopt the package, I could have done it, it was still orphan. The thing is, I'm looking for a way to catch a maintainer change with my installed AUR packages. This is why I'm subscribed here, and this is why I constantly check the AUR packages whether the maintainer is still the same or not. I'm planning to write a script to keep track of the maintainers in the AUR packages and run it everytime I update them to get an alarm. Is there already such a script maybe? And finally I must join you in the praise of the TU's, I really was not aware of the harsh tone in my answer. So, again, sorry and Thanks TU's and Devs for your work.