9 Jan
9 Jan
5:16 a.m.
hi yash, thats awesome. thanks a lot for your interest, ig you forgot to tell me your username... i found an account via google which i think its your... to make sure ``` Username: karx Registration date: 2020-02-17 only maintainer of 'haur' package. ``` conform those information, then i will make you co-maintainer of 'faq-bin'. yours, zoorat. On Sunday, January 9th, 2022 at 10:22, Yash Karandikar <nerdstep710@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi zoorat,
I'm interested in comaintaining the faq-bin[1] package.
[1]: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/faq-bin/
Yash Karandikar
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