On Mon, 29 Dec 2014 15:19:17 +0100, Eugenio M. Vigo wrote:
El 29/12/2014 11:48, "Ralf Mardorf" <info.mardorf@rocketmail.com> escribió:
IOW recompiling with the new lib is needed. I only had to run pacman-db-upgrade, as suggested by yaourt itself, and everything works fine on my system.
I run pacman-db-upgrade first too, but it didn't fix that package-query was compiled against the wrong lib. "Not just reinstall package-query but download its new PKGBUILD and make the new package with makepkg and then reinstall it" - https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/yaourt/ I suspect it wasn't a new PKGBUILD (no release numbers have changed), but it is the same PKGBUILD and it's content just needs to be recompiled using the new lib. Since I cache my AUR packages I needed to run 'makepkg -sf'. ^ Sure, editing the release number from '-1' to '-2' is possible too. However, now there's package-query 1.5-2 available, but package-query-git 1.5-1 still isn't "fixed". "Fxed" = likely the same package, with just changing the release number from 1 to 2. Resume: When you upgraded there already was a new package available, that wasn't available earlier today ;).