On the point that who upload packages without a license isn't a good TU, I'm with you.
-- JJDaNiMoTh - ArchLinux Trusted User
yes I'm a bit disappointed too. Almost two months have passed since I wrote the script and created the initial list, though very little did happen until BaSh started to add the licenses (thanks for that btw). I originally created the list though, so that each and every TU who has packages in that list could fix his own packages. For the ones who did fix their own packages or have a legitimate reason no to do so that's okay, but I really have to say for all other TUs, licenses are important. The field is there for a reason so please use it. If you don't have time to fix things yourself, send a mail to aur-general and ask someone with more time to do so. I hope that is not too much to ask? (I hope I don't sound too angry because I'm not, I just want you all to take my point :p) Thank you.