On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 10:28 AM, Xyne <xyne@archlinux.ca> wrote:
keenerd wrote:
Hi guys.
I am Kyle Keen (keenerd) and am applying to be a TU, sponsored by Xyne.
I have indeed agreed to sponsor Comrade Keen in his bid to infiltrate the capitalist TU swine. He shall aid us in our mission to put the communism back in "community". The package-hoarding pigs must be stopped.
May the glorious red star shine upon you, comrade!
*hangs large propaganda-laden campaign poster in TU lounge*
Comrades Hatch and Chen, initiate plan #5k-ljf6 now!
U3RlYWwgYWxsIG9mIHRoZSB0YWNvcyBhbmQgcG91dGluZSwgYW5kIGRpc3RyaWJ1dGUgdGhlbSBp biBleGNoYW5nZSBmb3Igdm90ZXMu
Comrade Xyne
Comrade Kyle is an invaluable asset to the red cause and needed for the future of the Mother Distro! *Salutes Comrade Xyne* Comrade Hatch