* Nuno Araujo <nuno.araujo@russo79.com> [2014-09-16 13:42:24 +0200]:
For the exercice, I packaged the application, and you can find the result here [1] (in the masshash directory). Feel free to inspire yourself, or simply to take it as it is if you wish. Try to study it and feel free to ask any questions you want about it.
[1] https://cloud.russo79.com/public.php?service=files&t=f00d660f9ae6001dd09276e960a02e9d
Some suggestions for your PKGBUILD: - You could use $pkgver inside sources=() so you don't always have to adjust the version number in two places. - You should really quote $pkgdir and $srcdir properly: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/Quotes Your PKGBUILD will break when someone uses it inside a path with spaces in it. Florian -- http://www.the-compiler.org | me@the-compiler.org (Mail/XMPP) GPG 0xFD55A072 | http://the-compiler.org/pubkey.asc I love long mails! | http://email.is-not-s.ms/