On 01/02/2010 12:35 PM, Heiko Baums wrote:
I've just built the new version of kernel26-fbcondecor (http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=15603) based on the split package kernel26 from [core]/abs.
It builds and installs fine and it creates every three packages.
The first problem is that makepkg --source doesn't include the .install file into the package.
The second problem is that I can't upload the archive which I then created with tar cfvz kernel26-fbcondecor.tar.gz kernel26-fbcondecor which includes the file kernel26.install. When I try to upload it I get a page with this error message:
Use `makepkg --source` to generate source packages for submission! Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."
The package name is definitely correct.
Is this a bug in AUR? If AUR parses the PKGBUILD's variable pkgname then it should parse the variable pkgbase instead if it's a split package because pkgname is an array in split packages.
Greetings, Heiko
aur doesn't support split builds -- Ionut