On 11 May 2011 22:38, jesse jaara <jesse.jaara@gmail.com> wrote:
Make install will try to imstall to system sbd not into a packagefile. Make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install will instead tell make to install imto pkg dir instesd so we can make a tarball wit the lib in it, woch we can install
Hi Jesse, thank you for the prompt response. I should have mentioned, I have tried what you have suggested and get the same issue; I believe this is because certain directories are specified in Makefile.inc as follows: PREFIX=/usr LIB_DIR=${PREFIX}/lib INC_DIR=${PREFIX}/include SHARE_DIR=${PREFIX}/share BIN_DIR=${PREFIX}/bin I could be wrong, but that seems to be the case, because when the following line is run, it still attempts to use those directories rather than creating them within the package directory: ${CC} -DLIB_DIR=\"${LIB_DIR}\" -DINC_DIR=\"${INC_DIR}\" -o ${BIN_DIR}/tsdl-config ${SRC_DIR}tools/getlibs.c Again, though, I could be wrong about that, having never made nor researched Makefiles in any detail. Regards, Joel.