Hello, 在 2024/3/17 03:56, Aaron Liu written:
To reduce this confusion, maybe the latter version's package should be named like "wechat-uos-qt" instead.
Sorry but this QT version of Wechat is so-called "universal" because it is "universal" to multiple China state-backed Linux distros and multiple China owned CPU architectures, no longer binded to UOS's own stack. It is not only released onto UOS and not binded to UOS. It is just that UOS jumps out to advertise it, not that they owns it. We "borrow" it from the UOS deb library because its repo is more open and freely available to "borrow" from, but it surely can be "borrowed" from another state-backed distro's library. The following is the APT search result of "wechat" on another Debian-based Linux distro, Kylin Linux [a] Desktop, on Phytium ARM64 platform:
$ apt search wechat Sorting... Done Full Text Search... Done biometric-driver-wechat/10.1-2303-updates,now arm64 [installed] Kylin Biometric Authentication Driver
biometric-driver-wechat-common/10.1-2303-updates,now arm64 [installed,automatic] Kylin Biometric Authentication Driver
cxbottle-wechat/default,default,default,default 21.0.0~beta2-1 all The wechat CrossOver Bottle.
cxbottle-wechat-v1.1/default,default,default,default 20.0.3-1 all The wechat-v1.1 CrossOver Bottle.
kylin-kwre-wechat/default,default 21.1.3-1- arm64 Wechat- for Windows based on box86+crossover startup
libkywechat/10.1-2303-updates 0.0.1kylin8 arm64 support for kywechat of biometric.
wechat-beta/default,default arm64 wechat from Tencent
The following is its os-release file:
$ cat /etc/os-release NAME="Kylin" VERSION="银河麒麟桌面操作系统V10 (SP1)" VERSION_US="Kylin Linux Desktop V10 (SP1)" ID=kylin ID_LIKE=debian PRETTY_NAME="Kylin V10 SP1" VERSION_ID="v10" HOME_URL="http://www.kylinos.cn/" SUPPORT_URL="http://www.kylinos.cn/support/technology.html" BUG_REPORT_URL="http://www.kylinos.cn/" PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="http://www.kylinos.cn" VERSION_CODENAME=kylin UBUNTU_CODENAME=kylin PROJECT_CODENAME=V10SP1 KYLIN_RELEASE_ID="2303"
Note that Kylin Linux has multiple flavors: a feroda / CentOS based one for server, and another Debian / Ubuntu based one for Desktop. Therefore, bearing name "uos" in its name is not right. Using its advertised name "WeChat (Universal)" is more appropriate and ensures a unified desktop experience. Also, I don't think "-qt" is an appropriate name. Most of the packages in Arch repo that has "-qt" in their names is only the GUI part of the program that depends on the base component, and they depend on the corresponding base component to work [b]. They can be considered as the "qt" split packages from a bigger full package. WeChat (Universal) on the other hand, is a whole package, that has no distinction between its base component and the GUI part. It works as a whole with multiple components, and the QT GUI part is only one part of the program that could not be splitted out. [a]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kylin_(operating_system) [b]: https://archlinux.org/packages/?q=-qt Yours sincerely, Guoxin "7Ji" Pu