6 Apr
6 Apr
4:22 p.m.
Le Mon, 6 Apr 2009 16:53:16 +0200, <hollunder@gmx.at> a écrit :
For me the case is simple, the yaourt webpage[1] led me to this bugtracker or at least made it appeared to be the bugtracker, I just reported the bug. If this is wrong then official Arch and yaourt need to straighten this out. No matter if it's unofficial, it's heavily related and as such both projects should talk to each other.
The real bugtracker for Yaourt is the one linked at the bottom of the page, not at its top [1]. The people at archlinux.fr should indeed fix that so that no more users report bugs for Yaourt on the official bugtracker. [1] http://bugs.archlinux.fr/index.php?tasks=all&project=3&string=&type=&sev=&due=&dev=&cat=&status=all&date=0 -- catwell