On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 04:56:49PM +0200, bardo wrote:
2009/10/8 bardo <ilbardo@gmail.com>:
So in short, I'd like a couple of signoffs from TUs, but every feedback on this new version is welcome.
Anybody? Anything? Should I understand that nobody uses [community-testing]?
I just want to know if you can hear some audio without decommenting "alsa-source" and "alsa-sink" in default.pa on a per-user configuration...
hi i am interested in pulseaudio as recently i started to use it. For a clean-testing, i performed the following steps in order: 1. killed pulseaudio daemon by pulseaudio -k. I run pulseaudio per-user, not system-wide. 2.did "rm -rfv /home/partha/.pulse*" 3. did "sudo rm -rfv /etc/pulse/" 4. Then i removed pulseaudio by "sudo pacman -Rd pulseaudio". 5. Rebooted. 6 installed pulseaudio from community-testing. 7. added myself to pulse-access and pulse-rt group. 8. played with xmms, mpd and mplayer. No problem .Everything seems to bw working fine. The only message i am seeing repeatedly is this: "pulseaudio[3079]: ratelimit.c: 91 events suppressed" in /var/log/messages.log. This is on a i686 box.