On 25 October 2010 18:35, Christopher Brannon <chris@the-brannons.com> wrote:
I've been polling <https://archlinux.de/?page=PackageStatistics> regularly for several weeks, and I've noticed that roughly 50% of the packages in [community] are not installed by anyone. Can we get a list of these unused packages? Would it be a good idea to start moving them to [unsupported]?
I say it would _not_ be a good idea. This is too fast. Some packages that I remember to have had more than 5% usage in the previous pkgstats implementation are nowhere to be seen. Others are recent additions by merit of AUR votes, but are not accounted for in pkgstats. For those, the situation is that you bring them in because they have good votes, only to later move them back because they don't have good usage statistics. That's fine if the "later" is after, say, a year.