28 Jun
28 Jun
5:36 p.m.
Am 28.06.2010 18:35, schrieb Enrico Scichilone:
Hey list, does anybody else has a problem with Enigmail and Thunderbird on a x86_64 system?
It is disabled for quite some time now, every time an update comes in, the error shows up: ""Enigmail" could not be installed, because it is not compatible with the thunderbird-build-type (Linxu_x86_64_gcc3)."
It further says to contact the author, but I'm not quite sure if it isnt better to recompile Thunderbird with different options.
The automatic enigmail update always fails for me, and has done so for a long time. However, manually downloading the x86_64 enigmail from their website still works. After all, the build is made on an Arch system and probably tested with Arch's thunderbird.