Hi all. I'd like to thank you for all your suggestions. Some mails made me open my eyes, then I perceived that this is not the right moment for becoming a TU. I'm sorry for any inconvenience. I hope to study more, prepare more, to soon come and apply again for TU. Thanks. 2009/7/6 Chris Giles <chris.g.27@gmail.com>
I guess you should keep working for now. Improving your skills, etc.. I think you're doing a great job but need to practice and improve it more to become a TU. IMHO, off course.
For what it's worth, I agree with this. Anyone contributing only 20 packages, containing some fairly elementary mistakes, surely isn't yet TU material.
-- corvolino ~ Linux User #459152 Blog - http://corvolinopunk.wordpress.com Archlinux-br Developer Team