7 Jun
7 Jun
4:45 p.m.
On 06/07/2011 06:35 PM, fsck daemon wrote:
The maintainer of the burg collection of packages, cruznick, has been MIA for two months. He has not responded to comments in AUR or the BBS. I sent him an email one month ago to the email listed on AUR (same as on BBS) with no reply. The package burg-bzr was flagged out of date on 23 of April. Several PKGBUILDs can not be built and require a (simple) fix.
Please orphan the following packages.
buc burg-bzr burg-emu burg-manager burg-themes
Orphaned all of cruznick's packages: b43-fwcutter-git buc burg-bzr burg-emu burg-manager burg-themes compat-wireless-patched compat-wireless-patched-daily covergloobus docky-stacks-bzr gio-sharp-commit xf86driproto-git