Well, well, well, hello to you too! On 9/19/10, Peter Lewis <pete@muddygoat.org> wrote:
On Sunday 19 September 2010 at 08:20 Det wrote:
[...] Maybe there just should be a simple *remove* button:
I agree, and I've been working on this - sent a few patches to aur-dev and I plan to do more too.
Hey, that's great! Stuff like 'online' PKGBUILD editor, auto clean of AUR from obsolete/old packages (e.g. over year old packages that don't have many votes, have no maintainers and have been flagged out of date (if even that)), a little faster updation of the downloadable package tarballs after a change has done to the package, some well designed *vote orphan* button that'd reduce the "please orphan" requests to TUs and other stuff like that? It'd be _very_ nice, if that stuff got implemented!
akonadi-caldav-svn: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=34613
This code has recently been merged into the main SVN and is no longer in playground:
I'm not sure what release it will make it into though, but I doubt it can be built without the rest of KDE-PIM from trunk. Those not using trunk can always use KCalDAV instead: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=35055
Hmm, I think that's what this 'arojas' person actually said on the last comment there ( http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=34613 ). Thanks for your time, Det