there are 2 main problems:
 - Maintainer tag (which is mostly fixed already)
 - Missing license (~70 packages)
Why I can not fix this issues and continue maintain my packages?
I think I can maintain it successfully.

There are no opened bugs in FlySpray. There are 2 out-of-dated packages.
- kernel26-xen - proper patch for 2.6.23 kernel not found
- aqbanking - which have temporary build problems

Are you afraid the same as willysilly or try to reduce disk usage and mirror traffic?

2008/1/17, Firmicus <>:
Alessio Bolognino wrote

> The last thing: seriously, who the hell needs stuff like
> cross-arm-wince-cegcc-libstdcppdll ? More than 500 packages owned by sergej have
> less than 10 votes, so virtually useless.
Sergej, why don't you move all of your packages that have less than,
say, 8 or 10 votes to unsupported and/or orphan them? This will bring
the number of packages you maintain in community to a more reasonable
figure and will help calm down the, IMO very understandable, irritation
that is being addressed at you here. I think what we are asking you is
clear: besides fixing the issue with the missing maintainer and license
tags, please DO REDUCE the number of packages you maintain in community!
