If I used it, I would put it in a github repo, and link it there, take ownership of the package, and invite anyone to take it from you. On Sat Jan 03 2015 at 7:18:29 PM Troy Engel <troyengel+arch@gmail.com> wrote:
Wondering what the right thing to do here is -- there is/was a package "pacworld" that has a dead homepage and source is no longer available (Dropbox link). Someone else came along (violating the guidelines) and made a 'pacworld3' package pointing at another download location of a newer Dropbox tarball, it's also dead now as well.
https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?O=0&C=0&SeB=nd&K= pacworld&outdated=&SB=n&SO=a&PP=50&do_Search=Go
I Google around and found the author on Github, but his copy of the code is pre either of these packages. Another google hit found a pastebin.com "version" of the later code but it's veracity is questionable. My end opinion is this code is dead and neither package can be rebuilt (kinda sad, as I thought it sounded interesting) and looks to have just died upstream.
Should we file a delete request for these in AUR? What's the standard process in this situation to clean things up when upstream/sources disappear?