Hi all, I'd like to start a ["Special Removal of an Inactive Package Maintainer"][0] for Xyne based on prolonged inactivity. Xyne has not executed any of the expected packaging or AUR maintenance duties for more than a year now. When I contacted all people who were inactive in votings for a longer period of time[1] (August '23) we heard back[2] from Xyne stating that he would still like to help out with Arch but does not have time/capacity due to personal circumstance right now, but is on track to getting back to things. This has not happened since and when I pinged the inactive maintainers recently ago I also did not hear back from him. - His last voting[3] was vote nr. 150 (ended 2023-12-03), since then 6 other votings were done. - His last packaging activity was in 2023-08-01[4] - He did not do any AUR Moderation for that timeframe (to my knowledge) Given these circumstances I'm requesting him to be removed as a Package Maintainer. If at some later point he has the time / resources to help out again I'm very much in favour of welcoming him back as they seemed to have made excellent contributions to the community. The discussion period for this proposal will last for three days, after which there will be a voting period of five days as outlined in the bylaws. Cheers, gromit [0]: https://package-maintainer-bylaws.aur.archlinux.org/#_special_removal_of_an_... [1]: https://lists.archlinux.org/archives/list/arch-tu@lists.archlinux.org/thread... [2]: https://lists.archlinux.org/archives/list/arch-tu@lists.archlinux.org/messag... [3]: https://aur.archlinux.org/package-maintainer [4]: https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/packaging/state/-/commit/5a8dc54e49b1...