Laurent Carlier wrote:
2010/12/2 Ray Rashif <>
On 3 December 2010 06:47, Lukas Fleischer <> wrote:
On Fri, Dec 03, 2010 at 12:06:25AM +0200, Ionuț Bîru wrote:
Ranguvar has been added in our team no more than last year.
Conform bylaws a motion should be sent and two active TUs and a voting procedure should follow after 7 days of discussion.
Here are my reasons:
1) i noticed in January he doesn't have an account on our devel panel, i asked him to send all the infos to get one and he replied that he doesn't need one because none of his packages are suitable for community. Replying to his email i encourage to get one and adopt some packages from community. At that time we have ~700 orphans and i haven't got any replies from him.
2) no commits in community since the addition.
3) he's not marked as inactive and conform bylaws this proposal doesn't have sense. Quoting:
"There is one special case for removal, removal due to unwarranted and undeclared inactivity, for which standard voting procedure deviates from the above."
I'm waiting to see your replies and then act based on them.
This is kinda sad to hear, but given the complete (and undeclared) inactivity, I'd agree.
Yeah. At first I thought it was a normal inactivity issue. But then Ionut made me aware that he doesn't even have an account. That was awkward.
Anyway, he doesn't appear to have the time. So I say it's best he's removed for now. He can apply again after 3 months if by that time he wants to start contributing.
It make sense to start a removal procedure: no activities, no votes.
I sadly agree. I believe that he submitted his application with good intentions but I have not been aware of any real activity since his application was accepted. The voting records show that he has only participated in 2 votes, both within the first week of becoming a TU, after which he has not voted in nearly a year (since 2009-12-09) and thus skipped 15 consecutive votes. The lack of commits in [community] is not a reason per se as a TU could focus on maintaining the AUR or helping out in other ways. Even if there are ~700 orphans, a TU might not use any of those packages and thus not be able to properly test them. I think we have agreed that TUs should maintain packages that they use themselves instead of trying to be the mighty Atlas of package maintainers. His forum account shows activity within the last week so it appears that he hasn't been abducted by the CIA and hauled off to some dark hole somewhere.* I hope that he will reply to this thread to at least explain his apparent inactivity. * Of course, they may have opened a few Starbucks with free wifi in some of those dark holes, but I have no idea how much allowance the detainees get. Considering Starbucks' prices, they would probably have to save up for weeks just to buy a small cup of plain coffee, so internet time would be limited. Subtract the time it takes to update your fb status and post a tweet and you just don't have much left to handle business.