16 Jan
16 Jan
5:17 p.m.
Hi, I'm a bit confused about the Axiom-packages available on AUR: There is axiom-cas may2012-1 modified-BSD pointing to http://www.axiom-developer.org/ ( https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/axiom-cas/ ) open-axiom 1.4.2-4 custom pointing to http://www.open-axiom.org ( https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/open-axiom/ ) open-axiom-svn 1082-1 GPL2 pointing to http://www.open-axiom.org ( https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/open-axiom-svn/ ) It looks like all three packages refer to the same program: the Axiom-CAS. Looks a bit messy to me. Can someone bring order into this? Thanks, Oliver