On 11/29/2012 11:10 PM, Andreas Wagner wrote:
I just noticed the librest-git repository has been moved to github.
Maybe we shouldn't be so trigger-happy with the delete button. Being orphaned or having a change in the download url is not enough reason to delete a package. Packages that don't build may need to be updated or patched.
Yeah, I remove packages often when they are orphaned _and_ flagged out-of-date for long _and_ on request. There have to be someone updating or patching such a package but in fact, there haven't been one, for long, and we donno even if anyone is still using it, that's the enough reason for at least me to delete it. If anyone would pick it up, they could still add it back and it's not hard, thanks to the simplicity of pacman. -- Felix Yan Twitter: @felixonmars Wiki: http://felixc.at