On September 4, 2019 4:37:42 PM GMT+02:00, Giancarlo Razzolini via aur-general <aur-general@archlinux.org> wrote:
Em setembro 4, 2019 9:54 Alexander Rødseth via aur-general escreveu:
I did agree to sponsor the TU application of Jean Lucas, provided he
another sponsor, but was not aware that he had sent his application without any mentoring on my part.
Well, I think it should be the other way around, you first mentor someone and look with them into their packages and then decided about sponsorship.
I am not in favor of how the TU application process turned out, nor the idea of moving proprietary software packages to [community], but I'll stand by my word and sponsor him if there is another sponsor.
Sergej already confirmed sponsorship. But it seems neither of you actually mentored the applicant.
In general, we need more TUs and Devs and I think we should have a process that feels less judgemental on the applicants (ref. the application from Drew DeVault that sadly did not join us as a TU).
While I agree that we should have a more on point discussion with less bikeshedding regarding other stuff, I don't think that simply foregoing the discussion period is the way to go.
If someone dislikes a TU application, it's easy to vote "no" in the vote that follows.
That's not how this should be faced. Ideally all the applications should have two sponsors that are actively mentoring the applicant and are vested into their success. If we had that, applications would be voted "yes".
ps: I'm not making any judgment on the applicant here. I've talked with him privately regarding this application process. While he failed to disclose that he had asked another TU before, I don't think it was in bad faith.
Regards, Giancarlo Razzolini
I agree with grazzolini, sponsors pretty much agreed themselves that there was zero mentoring happening plus xyproto obviously is even surprised so many proprietary blobs are about to be added. Not judging here by any means about the applicant himself, but I consider the current state as void as we frankly did not go through long discussions and bylaw changes to implement two sponsors if at the end it doesn't provide more value than having a bigger number and "having nothing against because someone wants a package in the repo" . I'm happy to cast votes after the sponsors did what sponsors shall do and take care of their applicant - obviously there is much room for discussing intends etc with sponsors.